50 Things To Do With Children At Home
If you don't already have the children at home, it looks like it might not be long. We have created a list of over 50 activities to keep children of all ages busy at home! Some require using the internet; many do not! These are all things which are easy to with what you have at home...and free.
1. Set up a daily timetable - what will you be doing when? A mixture of being active, creative and calm!
2. Don't forget to set up rewards charts or jars (for all of you!). Incentive is key!
3. Never a better time to practise telling the time - how many different clocks do you have in your home?
4. Go on a 'Scavenger Hunt' in the garden or out and about. Ideas here.
5. Go on 'Sound Safari' - what can you hear? Ideas here.
6. Write your name with natural materials
7. The Daily Mile - no reason this can't happen at home - find a path or several loops of the garden and off you go!
8. Shoot hoops or score goals - all you need is a ball.
9. Mindfulness colouring - lots of sheets to print off at Twinkl * and other sites
10.Garden Chalking - draw patterns and pictures.
11. Make your own animation - use one of these apps to take images and make your own animation! You can use lego, toys or plasticine.
12. Scratch is an easy to use computer coding activity - visit their website.
13. Visit a gallery...virtually of course!
14. Create your own exhibition - take stimulation from the galleries to create and display your own artwork.
15. Visit a museum...
16. Pom Poms! Remember these old school crafts? Two pieces of card and some wool is all you need.Instructions here.
17. Learn how to make origami
18. Go Geocathcing - the world's biggest treasure hunt
19. Pokemon Go! New version for self-isolation
20. Have a picnic! Inside if need be!
21. It's the right time of year to do some gardening - plant some seeds or bulbs.
22. Make a den - in the garden or under the airer!
23. Body Coach Workouts for Schools are a good way to keep fit inside.
24. Cosmic Kids Yoga videos on youtube for some relaxation.
25. Set up an obstacle course - have your own mini olympics
26. Write a letter or a postcard to a friend or family member (maybe someone self-isolating)
27. Facetime or skype a relative.
28. Make puppets and put on a show
29. Make a cress head
30. Make a fortune teller - instructions here.
31. Explore...what ever you fancy with DK Findout. What can you find out?
32. Travel the world with Google Earth
33. Crash Course Kids have heaps of videos for learning about new ideas.
34. National Geographic Kids can help you learn about animals or new places
35. Ever fancied earning Blue Peter badge?
36. Settle down for a family movie and complete a movie review sheet
37. Read to each other
38. Keep a diary
39. Write a story or a poem
40. Junk model a town for your toys
41. Create your own Superhero - make your own recycled costume - what's your super power?
42. Create a comic strip for your superhero's adventures *
43. Visit 'Paw Print Badges' to complete some challenges.
44. Dance!
45. Learn a song in a different language
46. Handprint painting - what can you create using your handprints?
47. Be Mindful - visit Big Life Journal for lots ideas and downloads.
48. Help an eldery neighbour - what do they need and how can you help?
49. Share out the chores - children can fold washing, stack dishwasters, sweep and tidy - make it a go to music!
50. Help plan & make the dinner - ready steady cook style.
51. Create your own smoothie
52. Take the daily lego challenge
53. Make your own Top Trumps - pick a theme and fidn out the facts!
54. Take a virtual tour of some fantastic destinations such as The Great Wall of China, San Diego Zoo and Yellow Stone National Park.
*TWINKL have a month's free membership - enter code UKTWINKLHELPS to access here. They have LOTS of resources ready for you to use